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戦国I (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku I, Ashimizu Household Records, 1476) 四日 幕府、加賀国の一揆中に、摂津之親の所領加賀国倉月荘内南新保西方への違乱を停めさせる。


戦国I (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku I, Ashimizu Household Records, 1476) 四日 幕府、加賀国の一揆中に、摂津之親の所領加賀国倉月荘内南新保西方への違乱を停めさせる。

(之親)         (石川・河北郡)(石川郡)

文明八                       (松田)
十一月四日                    秀興(花押影)


  • 摂津之親が文明十二年正月二十五日に没した


This particular Monjō is interesting, not merely because it was addressed to the `ikki chū`. It involves a matter pertaining to the `western part of Minami Shinpō, a section of Kuratsuki shōen that was under the jurisdiction of Settsu `Yukichika`. It appears that the Bakufu had sent `many orders` to the Ikki, however they had been told that although there weren`t any disputes. In reality the ikki had been attempting to forcibly take over territory. Hence the Bakufu asked whether the ikki themselves have been engaged in this activity. If so, they ordered them to desist in such activity immediately. Moreover, the Bakufu state that they will take Nishigori Shirō into their confidence (Nishigori being a retainer of the Bakufu), and if he or any of his retinue continue to engage in land seizures, then he (and presumably his retinue) will be punished.

The questions that surround this Monjō pertain to the identity of the `ikki chū`. If this was an Ikkō institution, then their presence in Kahoku gun in 1476 is somewhat difficult to explain, given that the ikkō ikki against Togashi Masachika had been driven by ikki from Kahoku and Nomi gun, which had subsequently fled to Etchū. It is possible, as Carol Richmond states, that each ikki was independent of another, and that in this case the Honganji ikki of this section of Kuratsuki shōen were independent of those ikki that had defied Masachika. If this was so, they were evidently powerful enough for the Bakufu to directly correspond with them, ordering them to cease in their attempts to seize territory, and for them not to be the focus of retaliation from Masachika, who presumably was too militarily weak to maintain direct control over this territory. This poses another question – if ikki groups retained control over areas of Kaga, it suggests that Masachika might have made allowances for their presence or at least reaching an agreement with some ikki over administration of territory. Yet another theory would suggest that this ikki was in fact part of the Bakufu apparatus in Kaga (the Ishida theory), in other words that this ikki had existed within Kaga for decades and had assumed command of the territory in the absence of authority from the Settsu. Yet if this is true, why wasn`t Nishigoro Shiro part of the ikki, seeing as he was a Bakufu official located within the shōen? How one perceives this evidence depends on whether one is convinced that the ikki of Kaga were in fact entirely affiliated with Honganji, or subsequent evidence that illustrates the ikki relationship with the Bakufu (as it appears this ikki had been attempting to seize territory) and the suggestion that this ikki was a Bakufu affiliated organization receiving a direct order to work in conjunction with other Bakufu organizations.

井上 鉄夫が指摘したように、ここに語ったという西郡四郎は、後年下間兼頼(丹後玄英の孫)の女が西郡刑部少輔の妻となっているので、本願寺衆につながって門徒化したと見られるが、本来は能美郡における大樹被官(奉公衆)であった。「文安年中御番帳」(「群書類従」)雑部)(一向一揆の研究=354-355頁)






Note here the emphasis on the intial alliance between those of kokujin and jizamurai status with the villages. When tracing the development of the ikki institution according to Honganji lines, those initial ikki could be viewed as a form of tsuchi ikki, predominantly led by jizamurai or those of dogō status – in other words, hyakushō centered ikki (as most records for the initial support for Masachika would suggest). This development, however, would lead those kokujin residents of the shōen estates to one of two conclusions – convert to the Honganji sect, and lead those villages in one`s jurisdiction in an ikki against the shugo (as occurred in Nomi and Kahoku, and again through the figure of Renso, who himself had been a daikan on behalf of the Asakura and still owed allegiance to them), or attempt to forcibly take over the estate they were associated with in defiance of the shōen owner. It is a question of differentiating kokujin motives, and noting whether they were affiliated with Honganji or not.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified on 2011